If you are looking to make $1000 in the next couple of days, or within two to three weeks, consider this – building a website from scratch that hosts a lot of information on a specific niche. It doesn’t require too much overhead, and you could get started for less then $10 (basically no money down).
You can take that specific website, turn it around, and then sell it on business marketplaces for $1000+, depending on how well it is performing. We’ve got proof below.

Make Extra Money in Your Spare Time by Building Websites
What does this look like? Think of websites that have to do about a particular subject for example – a wedding site, this site would contain tons of information on everything related to weddings; including and not limited to venue ideas, decoration ideas, wedding attire ideas. and so on.
Another example could be a site on everything you need to know about digital marketing – like this website for example, we cover everything you need to know about publishing online, social media marketing, passive income, and how the online business model can help you earn extra income or become your primary full time income.

If you are interested in earning an extra $1000, and have some spare time – you can check out this resource to learn about how to build online business assets that you can sell.
This mini-course is designed for individuals that would like to learn how to build, publish, edit, and scale websites for income.
The training includes an overview and a walkthrough section, so that you know exactly what to do when building this online business asset.
How it Works
Websites provide a wealth of information online, that people have the potential to search, read, and engage with – and anyone can create a website (with the right knowledge, guidance, and know-how).
Some website owners make from $500-$1,500 a month in passive income streams, with several hundred (maybe even thousands) website publishers making as much as $1,500 – $20,000 per month.
These online businesses can and do earn money on a continuous basis, and eventually become a source of consistent income. Individuals that are looking to diversify their investment portfolios, and are knowledgeable about the profitable online publishing industry – then look to acquire new assets that will add to their bottom line.

I can also turn around and sell these websites for several thousand dollars.
This is where you website will come in handy.
Say – you make a website about any topic: birding, stock markets, your hobby, or a lifestyle travel blog.. whatever rocks your boat; and you start earning money on this website – someone in that is interested in that specific niche, will likely want to purchase it because it is interesting to them, and they could continue to expand that content, and grow it’s income potential.
Building a Niche Website to Sell
I’ve created a mini-course that will walk you through the steps to get a website up and running, and earning extra cash in no time. You could build the site to keep it, while it generates passive income for you, or you could sell it on the marketplace – which is what we will be focusing on in this article.

What is a niche site?
A niche website is a domain that is hosts information for internet users to read. Niches could be in any category, and talk about anything – with the exception, that the content abide by the rules and respect of human nature. Niche sites will typically host a sleuth of information related to a specific topic, and even have affiliate marketing links sprinkled in, display ads plastered about, and even a digital product shop.
Niche sites are typically known to be predominantly “content sites” meaning that the website has a host of informational-type content. Its’ purpose to is provide useful information to its readers.
How to build a niche site
In my mini-course “Earn an Extra $1000 this Season,” I not only provide an overview of how to do this entire process, but I also provide walk-through tutorial style videos. This will be the easiest way to get through the following steps – and there is also a support group you can join here (to ask questions and get personalized guidance).
Here is a run-down list of how to get your niche site started:
- Purchase a domain name and point it to a hosting service (sometimes hosting providers give out free domains when you purchase a hosting plan with them – so make sure to check out if that is available for you).
- Add the WordPress application to your website, select a simple theme that looks visually appealing (make sure it is mobile-screen responsive).
- Edit your homepage, add your navigation bar topics (aka menu), and start producing content.
- We recommend you produce at least 25 articles in order to give the website a starting point to garner traffic from search engines, shares, as well as your social media presence, and other marketing efforts.
- List your “niche site” on marketplaces like nicheinvestor.com, and even get a direct valuation from online marketplaces me at nicheinvestor.com/josie-val.
After this point, you could let your website site and begin to slowly but surely build an audience – through search rankings, email address acquisition, and word of mouth referrals.
These would be the basic steps in getting a niche website up and running, and potentially sold to upwards of $1000 or more.

How does selling the niche sites work?
Luckily, this is the step that won’t require too much effort or publishing from your end, especially when you use platforms like nicheinvestor.com, the team and I, do all the marketing on your behalf, screening, and communication to help you make the most important decisions when it comes to selling your website business.
Once you submit your website for sale at nicheinvestor.com/josie-val, I will receive the onboarding form with your information and will give you a valuation, based on your sites performance, income, and traffic levels.
Typically websites are valued from the amount of income they earn, so if your site is earning $10 a month – you could be looking at selling for $1,200 – $1,600. Once a buyer is found, the site is then sold and migration assistance is provide to ensure a smooth transaction.
Sellers can expect funds within 4-7 days after their site has sold.
Earn Extra Money Today by Selling a Niche Website

The quickest way to implement this strategy is to take the mini-course and follow the walkthrough videos to build your website, and get the content up (we provide a quick BULK content generator strategy), and fashion your site for sale asap.
This process can be done several times over, and you could build a portfolio of niche sites that you can sell to others who are looking to get a jump-start in a new online space.