MAke an Extra $1000 online building websites for sale

Make $1000 this Holiday SEason

If you are looking to make a little extra spending money during this holiday season, and have some time to spare – this will earn you $1,000!

In a weekend, you can build a “starter site” asset to sell on business marketplaces; in any niche, on any topic, and about any hobby or passion you have!

content creators society

Want to earn an additional $1000 or More?

This mini course provides an opportunity for you to learn how to build an online asset that you can sell for $1,000, with the potential to sell for even more!

According to Insider Intelligence, business marketplace sales are expected to rise to over $600 billion by 2027, and YOU and I know, we need to be in this space.

With 17 video lessons that include overview and walkthrough content – you will be ready to embark on your cash-flowing journey as soon as possible.

making money online by selling niche sites

Incubating your star idea

First you’ll start off by finding your star idea for your website project, and following the walkthrough videos – you’ll build a quickly and efficiently.

make money selling niche websites online, make $1000 today

Package your star idea

We will begin to edit the content on your site, talk about monetization potentials, and finish by enhancing the value of your website asset!

make money selling niche websites online, make $1000 today

Sell your star asset

The final step is listing your asset for sale. We’ll talk about creating new assets to continue growing your portfolio and even scaling the existing assets.

Learning these skills can help you even beyond the simple $1000 earnings.

overview courses and walkthrough courses on how to sell websites to make money

I won’t just tell you how to do something, I will show you – In this mini-course you’ll see how easy it can be to build an online business asset (aka website).

You will learn how to look at website niches for their business potential, how to build a website using WordPress, and how to bulk generate content in the most economical fashion.

Not only will you be able to sell these sites, You’ll also be able to repurpose these skills to qualify for tech-based, content creation jobs. Ask me how in the free resource Facebook group!


You will get an overview on building your website from scratch, how to get your website to show up on search result pages, what to look for, and how to produce content.


We will discover the potential for monetization through the use of various programs which include programmatic ads platforms, affiliate programs, and other opportunities.


Lastly, you will learn about listing your website asset for sale to earn your first $1000 in as little as a weekend, and build well-beyond a single asset to entire portfolio of cash producing potential.

Let’s Start Building our cash-flowing assets

Sure, you could spend your time lolli-gagging this holiday break, or you could:

  • build new skills in the tech space
  • build online business assets
  • make your next $1000 asap

This “Make an Extra $1000 This Holiday Season” mini-course is designed to help you earn money from the comfort of your home – maybe it can become a long term thing?

Josie Grabois, Your Instructor at

Make $1000 this holiday season
make money online, how to make 1000 in a weekend

Meet the Creator

Hi! My name is Josie Grabois, your friendly website broker over at nicheinvestor! I’ve sold over 83 websites in the last 2 years while working in the online space.

I’ve seen sellers list their websites and successfully sell these assets from $1000 and up! The multiples on a website sale grows, the more money your site makes, on a monthly basis.

Building a “starter-site” is a great way to help others get jump into new online business spaces, or can help others expand their already existing website portfolios.

With this program, I hope you too – can eventually begin your journey to website monetization and monthly recurring income.

Got questions? We got answers!

I don’t have a very technical background, will this course still be helpful?

Yes, this mini-course does provide an in-depth overview on the process of starting a website and turning into a business.

There is an option to get this mini-course and many others in the blogging-for-beginners club. Access to this club does also provide give you a chance to join Josie in a bi-weekly LIVE Q&A

I don’t have much time. Will this program be too time-consuming?

This specific course has video lessons that range from 5 minutes to 20 minutes in length, therefore being bitesize in nature.

We understand life gets in the way, so the program is available to you for as long as you need while you are enrolled as a member. You can access the materials at any time and progress at your own speed.