Buy a website that’s earning income or ready to be monetized.
We sell individuals buy and sell online businesses that are monetized or websites that have been set up for monetization for a fraction of the cost.

Blogs for Sale
STEP 1: Submit your offer
After you’ve selected an asset that you would like to purchase or one that you are interested in, you can submit your offer and questions via the form on the listing’s page.
Check your email for a response on your submitted questions and/or offers.
After the offer has been accepted by the seller, the sales process will begin using a third party secure purchase/ funds transfer platform known as We will facilitate the transaction on your behalf, and also help with the migration of the website’s website files and database.
After you’ve restored the website files and database on your hosting providers platform, you will then receive possession of the domain name associated with the online business.
You can begin publishing your articles, offers, and content as the new owner of the website.
How It Works
If you are new to blogging as a business, content marketing, and running an online business – we can help you. You can join the Content Creators Society, a group of like minded individuals that meet once a week to talk about their business and financial goals, with the objection of earning money and creating passive income streams.