Blogging for Beginners Club
Join the Blogging for Beginners club today and get access:
- Bi-weekly Live Group Coaching
- Access to the Mini-Courses Suite
- Access the Mini-Course Toolkits
- Exclusive Facebook Community
- and more…
Sign up for access in the description below
Join the Blogging for Beginners™ Club to Start Earning Money Online✨
Do you want to get into the world of making money online? Did you know after building your your website, you can monetize it?
You can run Advertisements on your website, promote affiliate links (products, services), and more to start earning money – and the Blogging for Beginners™ Club will help you get there!

Blogging for Beginners Course Free Preview

Don’t Abandon your ship🚢 like the others
You want to get started with a niche website but you don’t know how to connect your domain to your hosting and need an easy to follow blue-print.
Once you have a website up, what do you do next? What do you post? How do you get your website showing results on search engines?
You want to see how your website is performing but you don’t even know where how to get that done, and how to strategize beyond that data.
You know you want a website but you don’t know if you should niche down or niche outward to target more visitors and customers?
You’d love to have a product shop, or a news site or an awesome niche site with good branding but you’re missing some information or direction to get that started.
Then, The Blogging for Beginners Club is for You..
Successfully Build a Website from Scratch
Building a Niche Website should be so streamlined that you could build several of them in a week, and even list them for sale at $1,200 a pop each. Ideally, you also want to build one – or two, for yourself so that you can grow them into revenue generating assets.
Cash flowing website properties – They exist, and it’s your turn to start raking in all the 💰 moneybags💰.
Here – in the Blogging for Beginners™ Club, we gear you up to reach that financial success. Once you get your website setup, designed, and niched down – you will be ready to hit the floor running💨.
Let’s Start Your Journey Together..
Here are the Steps to Your Success..

Instead of piecing together whatever you can find online to get a website up – you can get all the technical aspects of your website established, so you could move on to the fun work.

Make your website look great without having to deal with an off-shore design company. Use our simple and easy design instruction to make your website stand out!

Figure out how you are going to niche down your site, maybe you want to touch on various topics, or you want to focus on a sole goal and action-strategy – Here is where you will define your niche.
What’s Included
So many resources are available to get you started on your Beginner Blogging journey – and we are here for it!

Weekly Live Q&A Sessions
Tune in to our facebook group to ask questions to Coach Josie, and other Blogging Success coaches. This is a great way to get all your questions answered, and also workshopped online – so you always know what to do next.

Keyword and Content Organizer
Something often overlooked by people starting a website, is efficiently keeping track of your content , keywords, expenses and so on. Our Keyword and Content Organizer is design to help you streamline your content output and overall content strategy.

Niche Website Branding Kit
Obtaining trust from cold traffic will require good and established branding elements from a proper logo, to cohesive typography and graphics, creatives, and color schemes. Hone in on your websites branding to build brand awareness and trust.
Signature Blogging Success Workbook
Working through all the details of your website project will require good oversight, and attention to detail. You can make sure you’ve covered all the bases with this Signature Blogging Success Workbook that has been designed for the beginner blogger.Join the Blogging for Beginners Club
Why Join Blogging for Beginners Club?
Blogging and Content Creation for the web can be a long and lonely experience, you shouldn’t have to do on your own.
Joining this club gives you access to a community of like minded individuals who are on the same niche website building journey, blogging coaches and mentors that have experience, and resources you wouldn’t find anywhere else.
Got questions? We got answers!
Start your journey to earning money online
Hundreds of thousands of people are earning money through their niche site projects online, you should begin your journey as well.
hi! I’m Josie…
Thank you so much for reading all the way down to the bottom of this page!
I am so excited that you are here, and have considered the blogging for beginners club as a starting point for your journey into niche website building, flipping, and earning!
As you know – there is an immense amount of potential when it comes to publishing content for the web, and for social media platforms.
You can monetize your content, your videos, and your influence. I would love to show you how!

Sincerely, Josie
Don’t Forget about the Blogging for Beginners Course Free Preview
If you haven’t enrolled into our Blogging for Beginners Club yet, you can get a free preview of our blogging for beginners course called “backing up your site” – Just sign up as a Free Content Studio member to get access today.